a, Experiment design of allogenic and autologous transplantation.
b, Pre- and post-MPTP fine motor skill (FMS) scores in monkeys from the allogenic and autologous groups. Each symbol represents one monkey. The data is presented as mean ± SD (n = 5 biologically independent monkeys in each group).
c, The age of each of the monkeys when they received MPTP, cell transplantation and necropsy. The monkeys highlighted as red died shortly post-transplantation.
d,e, Monthly CRS (d) and CRS improvement (e) of the monkeys receiving allogenic or autologous transplantation from 12 months before transplantation to 24 months after transplantation. The transplantation happened at month 0. Lines show mean values for every 3 months from the allogenic group or the autologous group. Significance was assessed by Friedman test (non-parametric statistical test) (d, e); * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01.
f,g, Monthly FMS scores (f) and FMS improvement (g) in the monkeys receiving allogenic or autologous transplantation from 12 months before transplantation to 24 months after transplantation. The transplantation happened at month 0. Lines show mean values for every 3 months from the allogenic group or the autologous group.