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. 2021 May 28;18(11):5799. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18115799
WHO World Health Organization
EU European Union
SPL Sound Pressure Level
LAeq A-weighted equivalent sound level
LAN A-weighted Sound Pressure Level exceeded for N percent of the time
LAF A-weighted Sound Pressure Level measured with a fast time-constant
Ld Day Noise Level. A-weighted Leq, over the 14-h day period (7 to 21)
Le Evening Noise Level. A-weighted Leq, over the 2-h evening period (21 to 23)
Ln Night Noise Level. A-weighted Leq, over the 8-h night period (23 to 7)
Lden Day–evening–night noise level. A-weighted Leq, over a whole day, but with a penalty
  of 10 dBA for nighttime noise (23 to 7) and 5 dBA for evening noise (21 to 23)