Table A1.
Self-administered questionnaire.
1. Age |
2. Sex |
- Male |
- Female |
- Other |
3. Relationship status |
- Married |
- Cohabitation |
- Separated/Divorced |
- Widower/Widow |
- Single |
4. Are you a Health worker? |
- Yes |
- No |
5. Where are you confined? |
- Castile and León |
- Madrid |
- Other |
6. How many people, including you, are living confined at home? |
- Just me |
- 2 |
- 3 |
- 4 |
- More than 4 |
7. Do you have a job dismissal due to COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
8. Do you have been diagnosed with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
10. Do you have been tested for COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
11. Do you have had any symptoms compatible with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
12. Do you have anyone in your family or friends diagnosed with COVID-19? |
- Yes |
- No |
13. Do you have ever needed psychological or psychiatric help? |
- Yes |
- No |
14. Are you needing psychological or psychiatric help these days? |
- Yes |
- No |
15. Do you think that confinement is negatively affecting your coexistence? |
- Yes |
- No |
16. Regarding the last week of confinement (Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale) * |
* Participants answered 18 anxiety and depression-related questions from the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale (GADS), which are copyrighted and cannot be disseminated without permission from the authors who created and validated the questionnaire for this purpose.