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. 2021 Jun 7;18(11):6167. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18116167

Table A2.

List of questions included in the questionnaire survey conducted.

Constructs Items Degree of Agreement
5 4 3 2 1
Mythical attitude towards pandemic (MAP) MAP1: I think the adoption of preventive measures will not be helpful in pandemic containment.
MAP2: I think this pandemic (COVID-19) will vanish on its own.
MAP3: I think adopting preventive measures cannot keep me healthy.
MAP4: I think the adoption of preventive measures is useless for me because I need to go out to earn a livelihood.
MAP5: I think COVID-19 will automatically die due to high temperatures.
Pandemic knowledge (PK) PK1: The COVID-19 may transmit through human-to-human interaction.
PK2: The COVID-19 may also transmit through a common point of contact (door, table surface, etc.).
PK3: The COVID-19 may transmit through handshake and communication with the carrier of this disease.
PK4: The initial symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, dry cough, sneezing, body aches, and breathing distress, etc.
PK5: The infectious diseases may be prevented if we keep ourselves clean.
PK6: Disease (COVID-19) can be prevented through continual handwashing.
PK7: The COVID-19 enters the human body through the nasal (nose) and oral (mouth) cavity as well as the eyes.
PK8: The COVID-19 can be prevented through social distancing.
Ease of pandemic prevention adoption (EPPA) EPPA1: I think face masks would be sufficient if there is a long-term outbreak.
EPPA2: I think home quarantine would be feasible if there is a long-term outbreak.
EPPA3: I think the food supplies would be sufficient if there is a long-term outbreak.
EPPA4: There is a sufficient amount of disinfectants, soaps, and hand sanitizers for the long-term outbreak.
Self-efficacy (SEF) SEF1: I have the prevention instructions for the pandemic (COVID-19).
SEF2: I have the required capital (face masks, sanitizers, and disinfectants, gloves) to take preventive measures.
SEF3: I have the skills to adopt preventive measures.
SEF4: I can completely adopt the preventive measures.
SEF5: I believe I will adopt these measures until the outbreak persists.
Peer groups’ beliefs (PGB) PGB1: I am adopting pandemic preventive measures because my peer groups (friends, colleagues, family physicians, and health professionals) are doing so.
PGB2: I am adopting preventive measures as they are suggested by my family physician.
PGB3: I am adopting preventive measures as they are suggested by health professionals.
PGB4: I am adopting preventive measures as they are suggested by my colleagues, friends, and neighbors.
Moral values (MV) MV1: I am morally responsible for preventing others from being infected because of me (if I am infected).
MV2: It is my moral obligation to provide supplies of masks and disinfectants to others if I have their excess supply.
MV3: It is my moral obligation to reduce the usage of masks and disinfectants to spare them for others.
MV4: If I have any symptoms (fever, dry cough, etc.) I am responsible for informing the relevant health authorities.
MV5: I am responsible for adopting preventive measures not only for myself but also for others.
Risk-averse behavior (RAB) RAB1: I am adopting preventive measures to keep myself healthy.
RAB2: I am adopting preventive measures to keep my kids/parents/siblings/spouse healthy.
RAB3: I am advising my kids/parents/siblings/spouse to adopt preventive measures.
RAB4: I am avoiding visits to crowded places and staying at home most of the time to avoid contact with strangers.
RAB5: I am practicing social distancing to prevent COVID-19.
Perceived risk (PR) PR1: I perceive the severity of the disease (COVID-19).
PR2: I understand the susceptibility of the health risk of this disease (COVID-19).
PR3: I think this (COVID-19) is a fatal disease.
PR4: This disease (COVID-19) does not discriminate against gender, race, ethnic groups, countries, and borders.
PR5: The outbreak may persist if people are not quarantined.
Lack of trust in political will (LTPW) LTPW1: The government does not respond timely to the economic problems.
LTPW2: It is not in the interest of the government to prevent people from diseases.
LTPW3: Government is not willing to provide better health facilities to the people.
LTPW4: The government is not doing enough for the people who got unemployed during the pandemic outbreak.
LTPW5: It is not in the interest of the government to follow transparency.
Willingness to adopt pandemic prevention (WAPP) WAPP1: I intend to adopt preventive measures if any outbreak happens in the future.
WAPP2: I am ready to be quarantined to prevent the outbreak of the pandemic (COVID-19).
WAPP3: I intend to highly recommend the preventive measures to others.
WAPP4: I have the intention to adopt a healthy lifestyle even after the outbreak.
WAPP5: I intend to adopt preventive measures during the present outbreak of COVID-19.
WAPP6: If there is a long-term outbreak, I would be willing to be home quarantined for a long time.

Notes: the degree to agree with the affirmative response is classified as: 5 = “Totally agree”, 4 = “Agree”, 3 = “Neutral”, 2 = “Disagree”, 1 = “Totally disagree.”