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. 2021 Jun 6;18(11):6127. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18116127

Table 3.

Variables and Data Cleaning.

Variable Description Imputation Transformation
New Cases of Lung Cancer Cancer of the Lung/Bronchus, Rate per 100,000 people none none
Adult Smoking Percentage of adults who are current smokers none none
PM2.5_T1 Particulate Matter 2.5 in Time 1 none none
PM10_T1_log Particulate Matter 10 in Time 1 none Logarithm
SO2_T1_log Sulfur Dioxide in Time 1 none Logarithm
NO2_T1_log Nitrogen Dioxide in Time 1 none Logarithm
CO_T1_log Carbon Monoxide in Time 1 median Logarithm
EQI_Land Environmental Quality Index, Land Domain median none
EQI_SocioD Environmental Quality Index, Socio-Demographic Domain none none
EQI_Built Environmental Quality Index, Built Domain none none
O3_T1_log Tropospheric Ozone in Time 1 none Logarithm
CN_log Cyanide compounds none Logarithm
Diesel_log Diesel Exhaust none Logarithm
CS2_log Carbon Disulfide none Logarithm
EQI_Air Environmental Quality Index, Air Domain none none
EQI_Water Environmental Quality Index, Water Domain none none
PM2.5_T2 Particulate Matter 2.5 in Time 2 none none
PM10_T2 Particulate Matter 10 in Time 2 median none
SO2_T2_log Sulfur Dioxide in Time 2 none Logarithm
CO_T2 Carbon Monoxide in Time 2 none none
O3_T2 Tropospheric Ozone in Time 2 median none
NO2_T2 Nitrogen Dioxide in Time 2 --------- ---------