Figure 5.
Prediction of 20 bioactive properties from the mucous peptides of seven gastropod species. The predictions were based on two machine-learning algorithms (k-nearest neighbor and random forest). (A) The prediction results show peptides that were predicted by either method in light blue, whereas those predicted by both methods are colored in dark blue. (B) Distribution of the bioactive peptides across seven gastropod species. Sizes of the red circles represent the number of peptides. (C) Number of the bioactive peptides classified by the properties are presented in the same order as the properties in (A). (D) Number of bioactive peptides (indicated by numbers on top of the bars) that had multiple bioactive properties (from one to seven). AP: antiparasitic, DD: drug-delivering, AC: anticancer, AV: antiviral, CC: cell-communicating, TH: tumor-homing, AF: antifungal, AI: anti-inflammatory, CP: cell-penetrating, AB: antibacterial, Abi: antibiofilm, QS: quorum-sensing, and AH: antihypertensive properties. The abbreviations of the gastropod species are the same as those presented in Figure 4.