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. 2021 May 31;9:689951. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.689951



TurboID-Bok construct characterization. (A) V5-TurboID-Bok fusion constructs, T-BokWT and T-BokL34G. (B) Immunoblot for biotin-labeled species (detected with streptavidin/anti-streptavidin) in lysates from Bok KO HeLa cells transfected as indicated to express T-BokWT or T-BokL34G, without or with 2 h media supplementation with 50 μM biotin. Immunoreactivity of T-Bok constructs was assessed with either anti-Bok or anti-V5 (middle and lowest panels, respectively). (C) Anti-IP3R1/IP3R3 IP (lanes 1–3) and lysates (either pre- or post-IP; lanes 4–9) from Bok KO HeLa cells transfected as indicated, probed in immunoblots for the proteins indicated; p97 serves as a loading control. Co-migrating IgG heavy chain seen in the Bok probe of IPs is indicated by the asterisk. A 53kDa background band seen in the Bok probe of Bok KO cell lysates (lane 4) is indicated by the plus sign. Because BokL34G is relatively unstable (Schulman et al., 2016), to obtain equal expression, the amount of cDNA transfected for T-BokL34G was double that for T-BokWT.