a, Field dependence of R in UTe2 at T = 0.35 K measured in the d.c. field. The magnetic field is rotated from the b axis towards the a axis. Zero resistance persists up to 34.5 T when the magnetic field is perfectly along the b axis. The same dataset is plotted on a logarithmic scale in the inset. Re-entrance of superconductivity can be clearly seen when the magnetic field is applied slightly off the b axis. b, Magnetoresistance R and f of the PDO circuit (see Methods for technical details) in UTe2 at T = 0.45 K in the pulsed field, with the magnetic field applied along the b axis. c, Magnetization measurements of UTe2 at T = 0.46 K and 1.69 K in the pulsed field, with the magnetic field applied along the b axis. The two-axis rotator is not compatible with measurements in the pulsed field. There is probably a slight angle offset along the perpendicular direction. SCRE is not observed in these measurements. f.u., formula unit.