Fig. 2.
PTEN-GFP redistributed to the posterior plasma membrane of electrotaxing cells, which is depended on actin polymerization. a, b Dictyostelium cells did not show the membrane recruitment of PTEN-GFP in the absence of EF. (c–e) An applied EF induced asymmetrical redistribution of PTEN-GFP to the posterior of Dictyostelium cells. (f and g) Latrunculin A treatment abolished asymmetrical redistribution of PTEN, while plasma membrane recruitment was still maintained (see J, ##: P < 0.01, compared between Latraculin A treated and control. h and i Washout latrunculin A restored the asymmetrical redistribution of PTEN. b, e, g and i representative line scan of fluorescence intensity of PTEN-GFP for marked cells in a, d, f and h, respectively. (j) GFP intensities at the plasma membrane were determined relative to that in the cytosol. Values represent the mean ± s.d. **, P < 0.01 compared between the posterior membrane of no EF vs EF treated group; $$, P < 0.01 compared between posterior and anterior membrane within EF treated cells; ##, P < 0.01 compared between anterior within “LatA + EF” and “EF only” group; ns, P > 0.05 compared between the posterior and anterior membrane of “no EF” and “LatA + EF” group. k Membrane fraction and the whole-cell lysates from cells treated with the indicated duration of EFs were analyzed by immunoblotting with antibodies against phospho-PTEN (pS380) or GFP (PTEN-GFP), respectively. l The PTEN proteins were immunopurified from Dictyostelium cells treated with varies duration of EF, and phosphatase activities were measured. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 compared with no EF group. n ⩾ 3