Fig. 1.
Preparation of characterizations of PPF NPs. a Schematic illustration showing the mechanism behind PPF NPs enabled immunotherapy. The PPF conjugate contains two nanocompartments, which are FRT and PLGA NPs. These two compartments are separately encapsulated with ZnF16Pc and NLG919, and covalently linked. Under photo-irradiation, ZnF16Pc is activated, leading to cancer cell death and release of tumor associated antigens. Meanwhile, NLG919 causes the suppression of IDO and restored the Trp/Kyn balance; this results in reduced tumor infiltration of Tregs and MDSCs and increased cytotoxic T cell activity, leading to enhanced antitumor immunity. b Hydrodynamic sizes of FRT, NLG919@PLGA and PPF NPs, measured by DLS. c Zeta potential of FRT, NLG919@PLGA and PPF NPs