Fig. 1.
Characterization of BPQDs and BBPQDs. a1 TEM analysis of BPQDs. a2 AFM analysis of BPQDs. a3 Size distributions of BPQDs determined by DLS. b1 TEM analysis of BBPQDs. b2 AFM analysis of BBPQDs. b3 Size distributions of BBPQDs determined by DLS. c Photographs of the BPQDs and BBPQDs stored for different periods of time (0 and 8 days). d Raman scattering spectra acquired from the BPQDs and BBPQDs. e Heating curves of PBS, BPQDs, and BBPQDs upon 808 nm laser irradiation (1.0 W/cm2). f Heating curves of BBPQDs at different concentrations under laser irradiation (808 nm, 1.0 W/cm2). g Heating curves of BBPQDs at different power densities. h Heating curves after five cycles of 808 nm laser exposure (1.0 W/cm2)