Fig. 3.
Differences in annual-mean and global-mean surface air temperature (A, C, E, and G) and September Arctic sea ice area (B, D, F, and H) between a 50-member ensemble of CanESM5 simulations employing CMIP6 forcings and a 10-member ensemble employing CMIP5 forcings. The solid colored curves are ensemble-mean differences and the gray shadings are 95% confidence intervals on the ensemble-mean differences. ALL, GHG, AER, and NAT denote simulations employing all forcings (A and B), greenhouse gases only (C and D), anthropogenic aerosols only (E and F), and volcanic and solar influences only (G and H), respectively. The vertical dotted lines are as in Fig. 1. The red shaded period is the period when significant differences exist that are attributable to volcanic forcing differences. The blue shaded period is when significant differences exist that are attributable to anthropogenic aerosol forcing differences.