PIIPPI (NCT04364802).
Study name | 'COVID‐19: povidone‐iodine intranasal prophylaxis in front‐line healthcare personnel and inpatients (PIIPPI)' |
Methods | Non‐randomised clinical trial |
Participants | Frontline healthcare workers who are negative for COVID‐19 or hospital inpatients (who have a hospitalisation of more than 7 days, or who are set to undergo a significant surgical procedure), aged 18 to 99 years Inclusion criteria:
Exclusion criteria:
Planned sample size: 250 participants |
Interventions |
Intervention group:
Comparator group:
Use of additional interventions for both study groups:
Outcomes |
Primary outcomes:
Secondary outcomes:
Starting date | May 2020 |
Contact information | Alexandra Kejner Email: alexandra.kejner@uky.edu |
Notes | Trial registered in USA Estimated completion date: May 2021 |
BIPAP: bilevel positive airway pressure; COVID‐19 coronavirus disease 2019; CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure; PCR: polymerase chain reaction; PPE: personal protective equipment; PVP‐I povidone iodine; RCT: randomised controlled trial; SARS‐CoV‐2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2