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. 2021 Jun 14;2021(6):CD009294. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009294.pub3

Addeo 2010.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: randomized phase III trial (1:1)
Setting/country: single center in Italy
Dates when study was conducted: March 2003 to November 2005
Participants Ethnicity: NA
Inclusion criteria
  • People with superficial bladder cancer (Ta and T1 of any grade) whose disease had progressed or relapsed after BCG intravesical infusion or were ineligible for BCG treatment

Exclusion criteria
  • Prior radiation to the pelvis and intractable urinary tract infections

Total number of participants randomly assigned
  • Screened: 120

  • Eligible: 109

Disease type: recurrent disease
Intervention: gemcitabine
  • Number of all participants randomly assigned: 54

  • Mean age: 64.9 (SD 10.55) years

  • Gender (men/women): 46/8

  • Tumor T stage

    • Ta: 37; T1: 17

  • Tumor grade (G1/G2/G3)

    • 11/28/15

  • Tumor size (< 3 cm/≥ 3 cm)

    • NA but < 2 cm/> 2 cm = 36/18

  • Number of tumors (1/> 1): 29/25

  • Prior intravesical therapy: 54 (BCG: 46, epirubicin: 8)

Comparator: mitomycin C
  • Number of all participants randomly assigned: 55

  • Mean age: 67.9 (SD 10.2) years

  • Gender (men/women): 47/8

  • Tumor T stage

    • Ta: 35; T1: 20

  • Tumor grade (G1/G2/G3)

    • 14/27/14

  • Tumor size (< 3 cm/≥ 3 cm)

    • NA but < 2 cm/> 2 cm = 33/22

  • Number of tumors (1/> 1): 34/21

  • Prior intravesical therapy: 55 (BCG: 45, epirubicin: 10)

Interventions Intervention: gemcitabine
  • Gemcitabine 2000 mg/50 mL saline

  • 6‐week induction course of infusion after TURBT. For the initial responders who remained free of recurrences, maintenance therapy consisted of 10 monthly treatments during first year

Comparator: mitomycin C
  • Mitomycin C 40 mg/50 mL saline

  • Early infusion of the diluted drug within 2 days after TURBT, followed by 4 weekly treatments. For the initial responders who remained free of recurrences, maintenance therapy consisted of 10 monthly treatments during first year

Follow‐up: median 36 months
Outcomes Study did not separate the outcomes as primary and secondary
Main endpoints
  • Time of first recurrence (disease‐free survival)

  • Relative risk of recurrence estimated by the life‐table method

  • Recurrence rate per 100 patient‐months

  • Cumulative rates of tumor progression

  • How measured: recurrence; cystourethroscopy

  • Time point measured: every 6 months

  • Time point reported: cumulative

Subgroup analysis
  • Recurrence‐free survival in high‐grade disease (G3)

Funding Sources Supported by grants from Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro i Tumori (LILT; Italian League for the Fight against Cancer; non‐profit organization and has oncologic prevention as its primary institutional task): organization information is available at
Declarations of interest None
Notes Protocol: NA
Language of publication: English
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote from publication: "Random" only.
Comment: randomization stated, but no information on method used; therefore, unclear risk of selection bias.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: no information given.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Comment: no information given.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
Subjective outcomes Unclear risk Comment: no information given.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
Objective outcomes Low risk Comment: objective outcomes not likely affected by lack of blinding.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Time to recurrence Low risk Comment: no loss to follow‐up; all randomized participants were included in the analysis.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Time to progression Low risk Comment: study did not investigate this outcome, but reported several progressions from all randomized participants in each arm. We approximated the effect estimates (HR) using an indirect method (Parmar 1998). Thus, low risk of bias.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Grade III–V adverse events Low risk Comment: no loss to follow‐up; all randomized participants were included in the analysis.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
Grade I or II adverse events Low risk Comment: no loss to follow‐up; all randomized participants were included in the analysis.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Comment: no protocol available, but all objectives defined in the method section were reported.
Other bias High risk Comment: treatment schedule differed between groups; mitomycin C was given within 2 days of TURBT followed by 4 weekly treatment, but gemcitabine was given as a 6‐week induction course.
If the schedule of mitomycin C was considered as standard treatment at that time, should we rate this domain as high.