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. 2021 May 17;22(3):678–686. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2020.2.49665

Table 2.

Provider characteristics associated with COVID-19 compared with controls. An asterisk indicates where α < 0.05.

COVID-19 positive (n = 123) Controls (n = 283) P-value
 % Anesthesiology, (n) 75.6%, (93) 61.8%, (175) 0.0086*
 % Emergency Medicine, (n) 22.8%, (28) 38.1%, (108) 0.002*
 % Pulmonary Critical Care, (n) 1.6%, (2) 0%, (0) -
Provider type
 % Anesthesiology resident, (n) 10.5%, (13) 33.9%, (96) <.0001*
 % EM resident 15.5%, (19) 33.9% (96) <.0001*
 % Anesthesiologist, (n) 27.6%, (34) 16.3%, (46) 0.0099*
 % CRNA, (n) 37.4%, (46) 11.7%, (33) <.0001*
 % Emergency physician, (n) 7.3%, (9) 4.2%, (12) 0.0656
 % Non-emergency physician, (n) 1.6%, (2) 0%, (0)

COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; EM, emergency medicine; CRNA, certified registered nurse anesthetist