(A) D40 and (B) D120 3D retinal organoids derived from hiPSCs containing (C) outer retina photoreceptors (expressing recoverin, REC), mitotic retinal progenitors within the neuroblastic layer (expressing low levels of Pax6), amacrine cells (expressing high levels of Pax6), and (D) Müller glial cells (expressing CRALBP). (E and F) Exposure of D120 3D retinal organoids to hypoxia (24 hours) induced HIF-1α expression throughout the retina (E), including nuclear accumulation (white arrows) in CRALBP-expressing retinal Müller cells (F). (G and H) Expression of HIF-2α and CRALBP in D120 3D retinal organoids after treatment with hypoxia. INL, inner nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; IS/OS, inner/outer segments. Scale bars: 25 μm.