Figure 3.
Gene Ontology enrichment profiles for the nitrosamines and DMF. Genes lacking in the sensitive strains were enriched for certain biological processes including; NDMA: arginine biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolic process, mitochondrial genome maintenance and macroautophagy. NDEA: protein transport, vacuolar transport, arginine biosynthesis, negative regulation of translation and macroautophagy. NMBA: protein transport, protein targeting to vacuole and cell morphogenesis. DMF: arginine biosynthesis, protein transport and iron–sulfur cluster assembly. Each node represents a gene set while the node size represents the number of genes in the gene set. The edge represents overlap between gene sets while the edge width represents the number of genes that overlap between connected gene sets. Not all pathways enriched at significant FD score are shown, e.g. septin ring assembly for NDEA, etc. Enrichment profiles were generated using the Bioconductor v3.12,