Figure 6.
Effects of RGS4 inhibition on IKACh kinetics in db/db SAN myocytes. (A) Representative IK recordings illustrating peak and desensitized responses to CCh (10 µM) in wildtype and db/db SAN myocytes pre-treated with the RGS4 inhibitor CCG-4986 (10 µM). (B) Time course of CCh stimulated IKACh, measured at − 100 mV, in wildtype and db/db SAN myocytes in the presence of CCG-4986. (C) Summary of peak IKACh at − 100 mV in wildtype and db/db SAN myocytes in the presence of CCG-4986. (D) Summary of IKACh desensitization in wildtype and db/db SAN myocytes in the presence of CCG-4986. (E) Summary of IKACh recovery time during CCh washout in wildtype and db/db SAN myocytes in the presence of CCG-4986. For panels (C–E) n = 16 wildtype and 18 db/db SAN myocytes; data analyzed by Student’s t-test.