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. 2021 Jun 15;16:63. doi: 10.1186/s13012-021-01131-1

Table 1.

HATRICC-US outcome measures

Outcome (type) Rationale Unit of analysis and approach to measurement Frequency and timing of measurement
Co-primary outcomes
 Fidelity (Imp) Fidelity is a necessary precursor to effectiveness Handoff-level; observations by site-based staff, count on a 10-point scale (quant), field notes (qual) Monthly, Years 2-5
 New-onset organ failure (Eff) Per-protocol handoffs enable clinicians to follow expected care practices and to anticipate and avoid postoperative deterioration ICU-level; composite measure of AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) [53] that reflect organ failure (quant) Monthly, Years 2-5
Secondary outcomes

 Feasibility (Imp)

 Acceptability (Imp)

 Appropriateness (Imp)

These “early” implementation outcomes will influence subsequent fidelity and will help in the interpretation of fidelity findings Clinician- and ICU-level; AIM [54], FIM [54], IAM [54] (quant); site visit findings (qual) 3 times: Year 1; within 2 months of implementation (Years 2-3); within 2 months of sustainment start (Years 4–5)
 Sustainment (Imp) Sustainment is the ultimate goal of the implementation effort Handoff-level; characterized as fidelity over time (quant) Monthly, Years 4–5
 Affordability (Cost; Imp) Implementation cost is an important consideration for transferability of study findings ICU-level; accounting-based cost analysis as described by Hoeft et al. [55] (quant) Within 2 months of implementation; within 2 months of sustainment start

 Teamwork (Eff)

 Professionalism (Eff)

Strong teamwork and professionalism are expected to result from protocol use Handoff-level; field notes from trained site-based staff (qual) Quarterly, Years 2–5
 Clinician satisfaction (Eff) Clinician satisfaction is an early indicator of effectiveness Clinician-level; surveys (quant); site visit findings (qual) Annually, Years 1–5
 Clinician workload (Eff) Workload influences clinicians’ EBP use; fidelity is likelier if workload is unchanged or lower Clinician-level; NASA Task Load Index [45] (quant); field notes, site visit findings (qual) Quarterly, Years 2–5
 Information omissions (Eff) Per-protocol handoffs will show fewer information omissions Handoff-level; direct observations* by trained site-based staff (quant) Monthly, Years 2–5
 Adverse events (Eff) Per-protocol handoffs include enable the prevention of adverse events by promoting shared team understanding of patients’ care ICU-level; composite measure based on 10 routinely collected measures of care (AHRQ PSI 90 [56]) Quarterly, Years 2–5

AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, AIM Acceptability of Intervention Measure [54], Eff effectiveness outcome, FIM feasibility of intervention measure [54], IAM intervention appropriateness measure [54], ICU intensive care unit, Imp implementation outcome, PSI patient safety indicator, qual qualitative measure, quant quantitative measure