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. 2021 May 6;12:642980. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.642980


Outcomes measurement and adverse events in enrolled studies, and the evaluation of growth factors.

Author/year Outcomes result and measurement Adverse events Outcomes on molecular levels
Abaroa 2016 Biopsy and photographs at week 12 Not mentioned Not mentioned
Alves 2016 Global photographs and phototrichogram analysis (vertex, grontal, and occipital) Not mentioned Not mentioned
Alves 2018 Global photographs and phototrichogram analysis (vertex, grontal, and occipital) Not mentioned Not mentioned
Anitua 2017 Phototrichogram analysis using the TrichoScope ASG and the TrichoSciencePro hair and scalp diagnostic software, for women, mild scalp and crown region, hair density, hair diameterm terminal/vellus-like hair ratio and thin/regular/thick hair shafts among terminal follicles, and standardized global macrophotographs, self-assessment questionnaire and rated satisfaction following a likert scale, biosy from 6 volunteers, with ki-67 Not mentioned Measuring TGFβ1, PDGF-AB, EGF, VEGF, TSP-1 and Ang-1 increasing by ELISA
Bruce 2019 TrichoScan analysis and TrichoScan digital image analysis, hair count, hair density, cumulative thickness. QOL questionaire weeks 4,8 and 12 of PRP treatment Not mentioned
Butt G 2020 Macroscopic photographs, pull test, trichoscopic photomicrographs, physician glob asseement score (PhGAS), patient global assessment score (PaGAS), hair density Not mentioned Not mentioned
Butt G 2019 Macroscopic photographs, pull test, trichoscopic photomicrographs, physician glob asseement score (PhGAS), patient global assessment score (PaGAS) Not mentioned Not mentioned
Dubin 2020 Hair density, caliber and blinded global photographic assessment In PRP, mild headache 50%, scalp tightness 50%, swelling29, redness 14%, post-injection bleeding 7%, and tingling 7% Not mentioned
El-husseiny 2020 Patients' global photographs, Lugwig's and Sinclair's grading, questionaire of satisfacition, improvement in hair density, hair quality and pain injection and infection 11 headache, all reported mild pain during injections No significant difference was found between the median concentrations (ng/L) of VEGF in both nonactivated and activated single- and double-spin prepared PRP measuring by ELISA
Garg 2017 Parameters which were observed on video-microscopy are hair count, diameter of hair, change in texture, multiplicity of hair, perifollicular halo, perifollicular pigmentation, increase in telogen hair and increase in vellus hair count Not mentioned Not mentioned
Gentile a 2020 Photography, physician's and patient's global assessment scale, and standardized phototrichograms Not mentioned Not mentioned
Gentile b 2020 Hair density by trichoscan, bioposi on anti-ki-67, anti-CD31 Not mentioned Not mentioned
Gkini 2014 Hair density and patients' satisfaction, hair-pull test, dermoscopic photomicrographs, macroscopic photographs and a satisfaction questionnaire 25% mild pain after application, 60% scalo sensitivity Not mentioned
Hausauer 2018 Folliscope and global photography, hair count, hair density, shaft caliber, Norwood-Hamilton or ludwig scale were determined, patient's satisfiaction Not mentioned Not mentioned
Ho 2020 Hair density and diameter using folliscope Not mentioned Not mentioned
Juhasz 2020 Hair density Not mentioned Not mentioned
Kang 2014 Phototrichogram scalp on hair numbers, thickness with follioscope Not mentioned Flow cytometry was performed using PRP preparation and an equal amount of peripheral blood in two healthy volunteers. One participant presented 6.7 cells ⁄ lL of CD34 + cells in peripheral blood, whereas those in the autologous PRP preparation were 31.1 cells ⁄ lL
Laird 2018 Satisfaction Not mentioned Not mentioned
Lee 2015 Hair density, hair count, hair thickness Not mentioned Western blot analyses of PDGF-A revealed significant differences between PRP-treated skin samples and control skin samples
Makki 2020 Photographs, quartile grading scale with two dermatologists, hair parameters, and hair density, patients satisfaction Local injection pain Not mentioned
Paththinige 2018 Hair density, hair count under dermoscopic photographs Not mentioned Not mentioned
Puig 2016 Hair count through photography, hair mass index (measured using the cohen hair check system); and patient survery Not mentioned Not mentioned
Qu 2019 Global macroscopic photographs, standardized phototrichograms, hair-pull test and satisfaction questionaire Mild pain when injection, headache Not mentioned
Rossano 2017 Gene type Not mentioned It showed a negative correlation. IL-1a could be used as a prognostic value for PRP efficacy in female pattern hair loss
Schiavone 2018 Photographs by global physician assessment (GPA) score and questionaires Bruise after 48–72 h and spontaneously resolved in the fourth to fifth postop day Not mentioned
Schiavone 2014 Photographs by global physician assessment (GPA) score and questionaires Not mentioned Not mentioned
Sclafani 2014 Hair density No Not mentioned
Shapiro 2020 Hair density No Not mentioned
Siah 2020 Dermatoscope, photography, hair density counting and hair caliber measurement At week8, treatment site having a higher hair density 129.3 comparing to placebo site 115.3 PDGF-BB was the highest concentration of growth factor injected, and VEGF was tested for the lowest growth factor concentration
Singhal 2015 Hair count, hair thickness, hair root strength, and overall alopecia 3 mild head pain Not mentioned
Starace 2019 Pull test, blobal photographs, and trichoscan, hair measurement Not mentioned Not mentioned
Takikawa 2011 Histological exam Not mentioned Not mentioned
Tan 2019 Folliscope, questionnaire Not mentioned Not mentioned
Tawfik 2018 Hair growth, hair density, hair diameter, photography, hair-pull test, patient's satisfaction scale, standardized phototrichograms, and patient’s satisfaction Not mentioned Not mentioned
Zhang 2018 Biopsy ki-67, hair density Not mentioned Not mentioned
Navarro 2015 Trichogram, photograpy, anagen, telogen Not mentioned Not mentioned
DeVasconcelos 2015 Mann-whitnety test No Not mentioned
Yang 2020 Dermascopy and photograph Not mentioned Not mentioned
Zhang 2020 Photographs, satisfaction questionaire Not mentioned Not mentioned
Zolfaghari 2020 Hair number and thickness Not mentioned Measuring TGFβ1, TGFβ2, PDGF, EGF, VEGF, and HGF increasing by ELISA