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. 2021 Jun 14;22:220. doi: 10.1186/s12882-021-02433-8

Table 1.

Laboratory findings from the admission

Urinalysis Biochemistry, immunological, virologic, and coagulation parameters
Protein 3+ TP 6.9 g/dL Ferritin 499 ng/mL
Occult blood 3+ Alb 3.3 g/dL IgG 1,674 mg/dL
Red blood cells > 100/HPF UA 8.3 mg/dL IgA 296 mg/dL
Protein 5.72 g/gCr BUN 134.2 mg/dL IgM 69 mg/dL
NGAL 1485 ng/mL Cr 13.96 mg/dL C3 79 mg/dL
NAG 17.8 U/L eGFR 3 mL/min/1.73 m2 C4 27.3 mg/dL
α1MG 91.8 mg/L TB 0.1 mg/dL CH50 43 U/mL
β2MG 37,676 µg/L AST 6 IU/L Antinuclear Ab 1:40
Bence Jones protein ALT 10 IU/L Anti-dsDNA Ab
Complete blood cell count ALP 249 IU/L Anti-smith Ab
White blood cells 6,300/µL γ-GT 16 IU/L Anti-CL-β2GP1 Ab
Neutrophils 75.10 % LDH 166 IU/L Direct Coombs test
Lymphocytes 13.30 % CK 64 IU/L Anti-MPO-ANCA 1,700 IU/mL
Monocytes 5.90 % Na 134 mEq/L Anti-PR3-ANCA
Eosinophils 5.20 % K 6.3 mEq/L Cryoglobulin
Red blood cells 238 × 104/µL Cl 102 mEq/L HIV Ag/Ab
Hemoglobin 7.5 g/dL cCa 7.7 mg/dL HBs Ag/HBc Ab
Hematocrit 22.60 % IP 7.3 mg/dL HCV Ab
Platelets 15.8 × 104/µL CRP 2.47 mg/dL PT 94 %
TC 147 mg/dL APTT 24.9 s
TG 220 mg/dL D-dimer 4.1 µg/mL
HbA1c 5.40 %
HANP 340.6 pg/mL
BNP 140.0 pg/mL

NAG N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, NAGL NAG ligand, α1MG alpha1-microglobulin, β2MG beta2-microglobulin, TP total protein, Alb albumin, UA uric acid, BUN blood urea nitrogen, Cr creatinine, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, AST aspartate transaminase, ALT alanine transaminase, ALP alkaline phosphatase, γ-GT gamma-glutamyl transferase, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, CK creatine kinase, CRP C-reactive protein, TC total cholesterol, TG triglycerides, HBa1c glycated hemoglobin, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, ANCA anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, PT prothrombin time, APTT activated partial thromboplastin time