Table 1.
Characteristics of the included studies
Author, publication year | Country, recruitment setting | Recruitment length, strategy used | Intervention length, outcome measures | Proportion of people for each multimorbidity condition, population characteristics |
Gary et al. [32] |
USA University clinic |
18 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP |
KOA 68%, HYP 88%, T2DM 31%, DEP 44%, HF 100%, COPD 34% 32 people, mean age 68 years, 100% female, mean BMI 33.5 |
Koukouvou et al. [33] |
Greece Hospital |
2 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
26 weeks HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
HYP 12%, DEP 100%, HF 100% 26 people, mean age 52 years, 0% female, mean BMI 28.1 |
Kulcu et al. [34] |
Turkey University school |
n/a |
8 weeks HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
DEP 100%, HF 100% 53 people, mean age 59 years, 27% female, n/a |
Gary et al. [35] |
USA Outpatient clinic |
14 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP |
HYP 88%, T2DM 32%, DEP 100%, HF 100% 74 people, mean age 65.8 years, 57% female, n/a |
Asa et al. [36] |
Sweden n/a |
n/a |
8 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
T2DM 100%, HF 100% 20 people, mean age 67.4 years, 20% female, mean BMI 29 |
Blumenthal et al. [37] (UPBEAT) |
USA Outpatient clinics |
53 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
16 weeks DEP |
HYP 19%, DEP 100%, HF 100%, 101 people, mean age 63.9 years, 32% female, mean BMI 31 |
Blumenthal et al. [38] (HF-ACTION) |
USA, Canada, France 82 medical centres |
47 months Direct approacha |
12 weeks DEP |
HYP 61%, DM* 10%, DEP 100%, HF 100% 653 people, mean age 56 years, 92% female, mean BMI 31.5 |
Gary et al. [39] |
USA Outpatient clinic |
6 months Indirect approachb |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP |
HYP 50%, T2DM 50%, DEP 70%, HF 100% 24 people, mean age 60 years, 50% female, mean BMI 34 |
Oerkild et al. [40] |
Denmark Rehabilitation unit |
19 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
HYP 73%, T2DM 23%, DEP 18%, HF 100%, COPD 28% 40 people, mean age 76.9 years, 43% female, mean BMI 27 |
Leung et al. [41] |
Australia Hospital |
41 months Direct approacha |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
KOA 60%, HYP 55%, T2DM 19% IHD 33%, COPD 100% 42 people, mean age 73 years, 36% female, mean BMI 27.4 |
Nolte et al. [42] and Edelmann et al. [43] (Ex-DHF-P) |
Germany 3 University hospitals |
7 months n/a |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP |
HYP 82%, T2DM 14%, DEP 64%, HF 100% 67 people, mean age 65 years, 56% female, mean BMI 31 |
Keihani et al. [44] |
Iran n/a |
n/a |
8 weeks PF, DEP, ANX |
DEP 100%, HF 100% 65 people, mean age 61.2 years, 40% female, mean BMI 26.1 |
Pibernik-Okanovic et al. [45] |
Croatia Hospital |
19 months Indirect approachb |
6 weeks HRQoL, DEP |
T2DM 100%, DEP 100% 209 people, mean age 58.1 years, 54% female, mean BMI 30 |
Schneider et al. [46] |
USA University school |
21 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks DEP |
T2DM 100%, DEP 100% 29 people, mean age 53.4, 100% female, mean BMI 34.6 |
Hinrichs et al. [47] (Homefit) |
Germany General practices |
14 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL |
KOA 60%, HOA 46%, HYP 90%, T2DM 40%, HF 33%, IHD 29%, COPD 22% 209 people, mean age 79.8 years, 74% female, mean BMI 30.7 |
Bernocchi et al. [48] |
Italy Hospital |
15 months Direct approacha |
16 weeks PF, HRQoL |
HF 100%, COPD 100% 112 people, mean age 70.5 years, 18% female, mean BMI 28.1 |
Abdelbasset et al. [49] |
Saudi Arabia University hospital |
4 months Direct approacha |
6 weeks DEP |
HYP 20%, DEP 100%, HF 100% 69 people, mean age 52.7 years, 28% female, mean BMI 30 |
de Groot et al. [50] (ACTIVE II) |
USA Medical practices |
48 months Direct and indirect approacha,b |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP |
T2DM 100%, DEP 100% 140 people, n/a |
Leung et al. [51] |
Hong Kong Outpatient clinic |
3 months Direct approacha |
12 weeks PF, HRQoL |
HYP 100%, T2DM 96% 54 people, mean age 64 years, 48% female, mean BMI 27.3 |
Rodriguez-Manas et al. [52] (MID-Frail) |
Europe (7 countries) 74 study sites |
15 months Direct approacha |
18 weeks PF, HRQoL |
HYP 87%, T2DM 100%, HF 9% 964 people, mean age 78 years, 49% female, mean BMI 29.6 |
Soliman et al. [53] |
Saudi Arabia n/a |
5 months n/a |
12 weeks DEP |
DEP 100%, COPD 100% 34 people, mean age 69.7 years, 44% female, mean BMI 26.8 |
Gretebeck et al. [54] |
USA Community centres |
n/a Direct and indirect approacha,b |
10 weeks PF |
A* 36%, HYP 83%, T2DM 100% 111 people, mean age 70.5 years, 61% female, mean BMI 32.7 |
Campo et al. [55] |
Italy Hospital |
15 months Direct approacha |
24 weeks PF, HRQoL, DEP, ANX |
HYP 86%, T2DM 30%, HF 100% 235 people, mean age 76.5 years, 23% female, mean BMI 27 |
aDirect approach (potential people approached individually), bindirect approach (potential people approached e.g. via news advertisement or flyers), DM* diabetes mellitus, not specified if type 1 or 2; A* arthritis, not specified which form (e.g. osteoarthritis); DEP depression symptoms, HF heart failure, T2DM type 2 diabetes mellitus, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, KOA knee osteoarthritis, HOA hip osteoarthritis, IHD ischemic heart disease, BMI body mass index (kg/m2), PF physical function, HRQoL health-related quality of life, ANX anxiety symptoms, n/a not applicable