(A, B, D, E, G, H) Left: Detailed analysis of the confocal z‐projections of
dpr12 heterozygous or homozygous mutant brains that are presented in Fig
7A–F, which express membrane‐bound GFP (CD8) driven by: (A‐B) R10G03‐Gal4 is used to label PAM‐DANs innervating the γ4 compartment (PAM‐DAN‐γ4); (D‐E) R48H11‐Gal4 is used to label PAM‐DANs innervating the γ5 compartment (PAM‐DAN‐γ5); (G‐H) R18H09‐Gal4 is used to label the MBONγ4 > γ1γ2 which innervates the γ4 zone (MBON‐γ4). Right: YZ projections along the indicated lines in γ3 (orange) and γ4 or γ5 (blue) compartments. (C, F, I) Top: Cell body numbers of the indicated neurons in
dpr12 heterozygous and homozygous brains. Bottom: Summary of innervation destinations. Unknown means stereotypic projections to unidentifiable domains.