Cdc42 is required for proper localization of glucanases Eng1 and Agn1 during cell separation. (a). Sum projections of cells displaying GFP tagged glucanases Eng1 and Agn1 at permissive temperature (25°C) in cdc42+ and cdc42-1625 mutants, scale bar-5 µm. (b). Representative images showing localization of Eng1-GFP and Agn1-GFP in cdc42+ cells during cell separation, along with respective bright-field images. The pink boxes highlight the 3D-reconstructions of the different localization patterns of Eng1-GFP and Agn1-GFP observed in cdc42+ cells: (i) Ring, (ii) Ring + Dot, (iii) Disk. (c). Representative images showing fluorescence images of Eng1-GFP and Eng1-GFP in cdc42-1625 cells along with the respective bright-field images and 3D-reconstructed division site of Eng1-GFP Agn1-GFP localization during cell separation at 25°C. The pink boxes highlight the 3D-reconstructions of the different localization patterns of Eng1-GFP and Agn1-GFP observed in cdc42-1625 cells: Scale bar for all cells is 5 µm; Scale bar for all 3D- reconstructed division site is 2 µm. (d). Quantification of Eng1-GFP and Agn1-GFP localization patterns at the division site in the strains mentioned, n = 3 replicates with ≤28 cells each