The biosynthetic pathways for bioactive GA4, GA7, and GA3. Black arrows indicate GA-biosynthetic enzymes from F. fujikuroi (Gf), and grey arrows indicate GA-biosynthetic enzymes from A. thaliana (At). CPSp, copalyl disphosphate synthase. KSp, ent-kaurene synthase. CPS/KSp, bifunctional copalyl diphosphate synthase and ent-kaurene synthase. KOp, ent-kaurene oxidase. KAOp, ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase. C20oxp, GA carbon 20 oxidase. C3oxp, GA carbon 3 oxidase. P450-1p, P450-2p, P450-3p, cytochromes P450. DES, GA desaturase.