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. 2021 Jun 15;16(6):e0253316. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253316

Table 4. Factors leading to diagnostic discrepancy.

The diagnostic discrepancy between ED and Discharge physician; n = 493
Total (n = 493) Mismatch (n = 100) Full Match (n = 136) Partial Match (n = 257) p-value
Age, in years 59 ± 19.1 55.5 ± 19.3 53.1 ± 20.7 63.4 ± 17 <0.001
Male 228(46.2) 40(17.5) 69(30.3) 119(52.2) 0.26
Female 265(53.8) 60(22.6) 67(25.3) 138(52.1)
No 108(21.9) 28(25.9) 47(43.5) 33(30.6) <0.001
1–2 164(33.3) 34(20.7) 45(27.4) 85(51.8)
>2 221(44.8) 38(17.2) 44(19.9) 139(62.9)
Physician level in ED (Clerking)
Intern 41(8.3) 14(34.1) 4(9.8) 23(56.1) 0.03
Resident 452(91.6) 86(19) 132(29.2) 234(51.7)
Reviewed by ED Consultant
No 173(35.0) 42(24.3) 30(17.3) 101(58.4) 0.001
Yes 320(64.9) 58(18.1) 106(33.1) 156(48.7)
Consultant Level of ED Physician
Senior Instructor 190(38.5) 34(17.9) 65(34.2) 91(47.8) 0.02
Assistant Professor 65(13.2) 13(20) 20(30.8) 32(49.2)
Associate Professor 65(13.2) 11(16.9) 21(32.3) 33(50.8)
Not reviewed 173(35.1) 42(24.3) 30(17.3) 101(58.4)
Consultant Level of Admitting Physician
Senior Instructor 255(51.7) 54(21.2) 69(27.1) 132(51.8) 0.24
Assistant Professor 143(29) 26(18.2) 46(32.2) 71(49.7)
Associate Professor 51(10.3) 15(29.4) 10(19.6) 26(51.0)
Professor 44(8.9) 5(11.4) 11(25.0) 28(63.6)
Discharge diagnoses made by the same Physician as admitting
No 264(53.5) 46(17.4) 75(28.4) 143(54.2)
Yes 229(46.5) 54(23.6) 61(26.6) 114(49.8) 0.23
Consultant Level of Discharging Physician
Senior Instructor 235(47.4) 47(20) 62(26.4) 126(53.6)
Assistant Professor 150(30.4) 29(19.3) 48(32) 73(48.7) 0.08
Associate Professor 55(11.2) 18(32.7) 9(16.4) 28(50.9)
Professor 53(10.8) 6(11.3) 17(32.1) 30(56.6)
Complete History in ED
No 169(34.3) 45(26.6) 27(16) 97(57.4) <0.001
Yes 324(65.7) 55(17) 109(33.6) 160(49.4)
Complete Physical Examination in ED
No 117(23.7) 27(23.1) 30(25.6) 60(51.3) 0.66
Yes 376(76.3) 73(19.4) 106(28.2) 197(52.4)
Delay in diagnostic workup in ED
No 483(98) 94(19.5) 134(27.2) 255(52.8) 0.006
Yes 10(2.0) 6(60) 2(20) 2(20)
Admission Diagnoses based on initial symptoms in ED
No 18(3.7) 5(27.8) 7(38.9) 6(33.3) 0.26
Yes 475(96.3) 95(20) 129(27.2) 251(52.8)
Change in Patients Condition after Admission in Ward
No 77(15.7) 13(16.9) 19(24.7) 45(58.4) 0.48
Yes 415(84.3) 87(21) 116(28) 212(51.1)