Table 2.
Study# | Age | Sex (M: Male. F: Female) | Past Medical. History | Clinical Presentation | Peak CK (U/L) | AST/ALT (U/L) | Peak. Cr (mg/dL) | LDH (U/L) | Myotoxic Drug Use | Outcome |
Alrubaye [22] | 35 | F | None | Myalgia, Fever, Cough, Diarrhea | 71,000 | 1900/450 | .82 | 401 | No | Survived, Discharged Day 4 |
Bach [23] | Adol-les -cent | M | Obesity | Myalgia, Anosmia,M Loss of Appetite, Recurrent Anaphylaxis | 174,300 | NR | .82 | NR | No | Survived, Discharged Day 9 |
Buckholz [24]Patient1 | 43 | M | None | Myalgia, Cough, Fever | 75,240 | 1474/NR | 13.35 | NR | NR | Survived |
Buckholz [24]Patient2 | 37 | M | None | Myalgia, SOB, fever | 82,960 | 902/NR | 1.47 | NR | NR | Survived |
Buckholz [24]Patient3 | 75 | M | Deep Vein Thromb-osis | Rhinorrhea Back pain, Weakness | 3636 | 56/NR | 1.78 | NR | NR | Survived |
Buckholz [24]Patient4 | 59 | M | None | Fever, Cough, Diarrhea | 8310 | 186/NR | 1.29 | NR | NR | Died |
Buckholz [24]Patient5 | 66 | M | HTN | Fever, SOB, Cough | 10,100 | 263/NR | 1.22 | NR | NR | Survived |
Buckholz [24]Patient 6 | 70 | F | MM, CKD | Malaise, SOB, Cough | 460,300 | >6000/NR | 12.30 | NR | NR | Died |
Jin [26] | 60 | M | NR | Fever, Cough then Lower limb pain and weakness (after Day 9) | 17,434 | 373/172 | 74.4 | 2347 | NR | NR |
Khosla [19]Patient1 | 65 | M | HTN, HLD, OSA | SOB, Cough, Diarrhea | 7854 | NR | NR | NR | Yes | Died |
Khosla [19]Patient2 cont, | 78 | M | HTN, DMII, HLD | SOB, New Mitral Regurgitation due to chordae rupture | 22,000 | NR | NR | NR | Yes | Died |
Khosla [19]Patient3 | 67 | M | HTN, HLD, DMII, CKD4 | Hypotension, Hypoxia and Altered Mental Status | 6164 | NR | 17.7 | NR | Yes | Survived, ESRD requiring Hemodialysis |
Khosla [19]Patient4 | 58 | M | HTN, HLD, DMII | SOB, Cough, headache, hypoxia | 4625 | NR | 2.0 | NR | Yes | Survived, Discharged Day 35 |
Khosla [19]Patient5 | 64 | M | HTN, DMII, HIV (undetec-ted viral load) | SOB, Fever, Nausea, Vomiting, hypoxia | 3135 | NR | 1.0 | NR | No | Survived |
Rivas-García [20] | 78 | M | HTN, DMII | Intermittent fever, severe myalgia, muscle weakness, dark urine, 2 weeks of asthenia | 22,511 | NR | 3.2 | 972 | No | Survived |
Suwanwongse [27] | 88 | M | HTN, CKD, HFrEF, etc … | Bilateral lower extremity weakness, Dry cough | 13,581 | NR | 1.38 | 364 | NR | NR |
Finsterer [25] Mini -review of 32 patient reports | Rang-ed from 16 to 80 | 4 F, 25 M, 3NR | Varied, Majority had HTN | Varied | Range: 328 to >427,656 | Varied | Varied | Varied | Varied | Varied |
Key: CK: Creatinine Kinase, LDH: Lactate Dehydrogenase, AST: Aspartate Aminotransferase, ALT: Alanine Aminotransferase, NR: Not reported, HTN: Hypertension, DMII: Diabetes Mellitus type 2, CKD: Chronic Kidney Disease, HFrEF: Heart Failure with reduced Ejection Fraction, MM: Multiple Myeloma, SOB: Shortness of Breath.