Preventing Future Bullying Behavior |
Taking a communication class
Expressing confidence in my skills
Adopting an open-minded attitude
Helping coworkers
Ask others for help
Interrupt bullying incident and give each nurse a chance to speak
Remind others about need for professional, respectful exchanges
Talk with staff nurses about stressors and attitudes
Address nurses known for bullying behaviors
Addressing bully after event
Fostering positive, team-oriented work environment
Using resources to prevent workplace bullying behavior
Orient preceptors to new nurses’ abilities
Mentorship programs
Education on effective and professional communication
Zero tolerance policy for bullying behaviors
Investigate the issue
Better staffing
Stopping Incidents of Bullying Behavior |
Responding with aggression
Re-establishing equilibrium
Keep bully away from others
Change in patient assignment
Remove or fire bully from unit
Engaging the system
Report the aggressor and incident using workplace system
Involve Human Resources and Management
Investigate bullying behavior incident
Promoting Others to Act |
Fostering relationships in the workplace
Get to know coworkers better so you can identify when they are escalating
Understand the role of other professions
Better communication between professions
Creating a safe work culture
Safe culture for confronting WPB
Create policy about workplace behavior
Supportive and respectful work environment
Reporting will lead to change
Have outlets for work stress
Preventing bullying behaviors through administrative support and resources