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. 2020 Aug 14;27(7):983–993. doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa193


Demographics and Baseline Disease Characteristics for Patients in the Pooled OCTAVE Induction 1 and 2 Studies (FAS)

All Patients TNFi-naïve Patients TNFi-experienced Patients
Placebo (N = 234) Tofacitinib 10 mg BID (N = 905) Overall (N = 1139) Placebo (N = 104) Tofacitinib 10 mg BID (N = 417) Overall (N = 521) Placebo (N = 130) Tofacitinib 10 mg BID (N = 488) Overall (N = 618)
Age (years), mean (SD) 41.1 (14.4) 41.2 (13.8) 41.2 (13.9) 43.2 (13.9) 41.1 (13.5) 41.5 (13.6) 39.4 (14.5) 41.3 (14.1) 40.9 (14.2)
Male, n (%) 132 (56.4) 536 (59.2) 668 (58.6) 64 (61.5) 249 (59.7) 313 (60.1) 68 (52.3) 287 (58.8) 355 (57.4)
White, n (%) 186 (79.5) 726 (80.2) 912 (80.1) 83 (79.8) 335 (80.3) 418 (80.2) 103 (79.2) 391 (80.1) 494 (79.9)
Never smoked, n (%) 161 (68.8) 569 (62.9) 730 (64.1) 75 (72.1) 282 (67.6) 357 (68.5) 86 (66.2) 287 (58.8) 373 (60.4)
Body mass index (kg/ m2),a mean (SD) 24.6 (4.7) 24.9 (5.0) 24.8 (4.9) 24.9 (4.3) 25.2 (5.2) 25.2 (5.0) 24.4 (5.0) 24.6 (4.8) 24.6 (4.9)
Disease extent,b n (%)
 Proctosigmoiditis 35 (15.0) 132 (14.6) 167 (14.7) 23 (22.3) 69 (16.6) 92 (17.7) 12 (9.2) 63 (12.9) 75 (12.2)
 Left-sided colitis 76 (32.6) 307 (34.0) 383 (33.7) 35 (34.0) 160 (38.5) 195 (37.6) 41 (31.5) 147 (30.2) 188 (30.5)
 Extensive/ pancolitis 122 (52.4) 463 (51.3) 585 (51.5) 45 (43.7) 186 (44.7) 231 (44.5) 77 (59.2) 277 (56.9) 354 (57.4)
 Proctitis 0 (0.0) 1 (0.1)c 1 (0.1) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.2)c 1 (0.2) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)
Extraintestinal manifestations present,d n (%) 58 (24.9) 249 (27.6) 307 (27.0) 15 (14.6) 101 (24.3) 116 (22.4) 43 (33.1) 148 (30.4) 191 (31.0)
Mayo score,e mean (SD) 9.0 (1.5) 9.0 (1.4) 9.0 (1.4) 8.8 (1.4) 8.8 (1.4) 8.8 (1.4) 9.1 (1.5) 9.1 (1.4) 9.1 (1.4)
Prior TNFi treatment, n (%) 130 (55.6) 488 (53.9) 618 (54.3) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 130 (100.0) 488 (100.0) 618 (100.0)
Prior corticosteroid treatment, n (%) 217 (92.7) 812 (89.7) 1029 (90.3) 101 (97.1) 375 (89.9) 476 (91.4) 116 (89.2) 437 (89.5) 553 (89.5)
Oral corticosteroid use at baseline, n (%) 113 (48.3) 412 (45.5) 525 (46.1) 44 (42.3) 173 (41.5) 217 (41.7) 69 (53.1) 239 (49.0) 308 (49.8)
 <15 mg/dayf 35 (34.3) 122 (32.4) 157 (32.8) 14 (33.3) 49 (29.3) 63 (30.1) 21 (35.0) 73 (34.9) 94 (34.9)
 ≥15 mg/dayf 67 (65.7) 254 (67.6) 321 (67.2) 28 (66.7) 118 (70.7) 146 (69.9) 39 (65.0) 136 (65.1) 175 (65.1)
Prior immunosuppressant treatment, n (%) 160 (68.4) 683 (75.5) 843 (74.0) 57 (54.8) 266 (63.8) 323 (62.0) 103 (79.2) 417 (85.5) 520 (84.1)
Prior immunosuppressant failure, n (%) 158 (67.5) 661 (73.0) 819 (71.9) 57 (54.8) 263 (63.1) 320 (61.4) 101 (77.7) 398 (81.6) 499 (80.7)

aAll patients: placebo, N = 233; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 905; TNFi-naïve patients: placebo, N = 104; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 417; TNFi-experienced patients: placebo, N = 129; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 488; bAll patients: placebo, N = 233; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 903; TNFi-naïve patients: placebo, N = 103; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 416; TNFi-experienced patients: placebo, N = 130; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 487; cOne patient with proctitis was enrolled as a protocol deviation; dAll patients: placebo, N = 233; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 902; TNFi-naïve patients: placebo, N = 103; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 415; TNFi-experienced patients: placebo, N = 130; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 487; eAll patients: placebo, N = 233; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 903; TNFi-naïve patients: placebo, N = 104; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 417; TNFi-experienced patients: placebo, N = 129; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 486; fAll patients: placebo, N = 102; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 376; TNFi-naïve patients: placebo, N = 42; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 167; TNFi experienced patients: placebo, N = 60; 10 mg of tofacitinib BID, N = 209; excludes patients who took budesonide or beclometasone.

Abbreviation: FAS, full analysis set.