Fig. 6.
Secondary sprouting is defective in grb2b mutant embryos. a–fʹʺ Still images taken from overnight videos (see Supplementary movies 1–3) and corresponding schematic cartoons of wild type (a–bʹʺ) and grb2bmu404 mutant (c–fʹʺ) embryos between 30hpf and 48hpf, showing different sprout behaviors. a In wild-type embryos, cells sprout from the PCV and either form PLs at the HM or remodel an intersegmental artery into a vein. c, e Still images of two different grb2b mutant embryos. The arrow in cʹ–dʹʺ highlights a cell attempting to sprout from the PCV and extending towards an aISV, but failing to establish a stable connection. The arrowhead in e and f points at an endothelial cell with a small filopodium that retracts. The arrows in pictures from e to fʹʺ point at an endothelial sprout that reaches an aISV, establishes a stable connection and remodels the artery into a vein. In all images flt4:mCitrine is shown in green and flt1:tdTomato in red. g Quantification of the different sprout behaviors observed between 31 and 48hpf (indicated as percentage). For quantification, both sides of a four segments stretch per embryo were analyzed. wt: n = 5, het: n = 16, mut: n = 23. Scale bars: 25 µm. Data in d are mean ± sd