Polster 2015.
Study characteristics | ||
Methods |
Study design: open‐label, parallel, randomised Total duration of study: 5 to 6 weeks Number of study centres and locations: 1, University Hospital, Bonn, Germany. Study setting: no information Withdrawals: no information Dates of study: June 2009 to December 2012 |
Participants |
Number: 10 for MST; 10 for ECT; 10 healthy controls Mean age (SD), age range: 43.7 (11) for MST; 54.7 (13) for ECT; no information on range Gender: 3 females in MST; 6 females in ECT; 6 females in healthy controls Course of disease:current episode, years (SD): 4.1 (4) for MST; 3.1 (3) for ECT Severity of condition
Diagnostic criteria
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Co‐morbid conditions: no information |
Interventions |
MST (coil placement, frequency, dose, number of sessions)
ECT (electrode placement, pulse width, dose, number of sessions)
Concomitant medications: antidepressant medication was kept stable 1 month before and during the entire course of treatment Concomitant psychosocial interventions: no information Excluded medications: no information |
Outcomes |
Primary and secondary outcomes specified and collected
Time points reported
Outcome data reported in a usable way: yes; extracted from figures |
Notes | Funded in part by MagVenture A/S | |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Unclear risk | Described as randomised but no information given about how the sequence was generated |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Unclear risk | No information |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes | High risk | Described as open‐label |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes | High risk | Described as open‐label |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes | Unclear risk | No information |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | High risk | Protocol specified HAMD and MADRS as outcomes. However, study reported memory performance |
Other bias | High risk | The study is funded in part by a manufacturer of MST devices |
BDI: Beck Depression Inventory. BP: bipolar disorder. BPI: bipolar disorder I. BPII: bipolar disorder II. DSM‐IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition. ECT: electroconvulsive therapy. EEG: electroencephalogram. HAMA: Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. HAMD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. MADRS: Montgomery‐Äsberg Depression Rating Scale. MDD: major depressive disorder. MST: magnetic seizure therapy. SCL‐90: Symptom Checklist‐90. SD: standard deviation. TRD: treatment‐resistant depression.