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. 2021 Apr 2;108(5):764–785. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2021.03.011

Table 1.

List of coding repeat expansion disorders, sorted according to their year of discovery

ID year Disordera Inheritanceb Chr Gene Repeat motif Normal repeat range Pathological repeat range Pathological mechanism(s)c ID methodd Ref
1991 SBMA XLR Xq12 AR CAG 9–36 ≥38–68 polyQ, RNA? L, CGA La Spada et al.10
1993 HD AD 4p16.3 HTT CAG 6–35 ≥36–250 polyQ, RNA? L, ExScr The Huntington’s Disease Collaborative Research Group11
1993 SCA1 AD 6p22 ATXN1 CAG 6–38 ≥39–88 polyQ, RNA? L, ExScr Orr et al.12
1994 DRPLA AD 12p13.31 ATN1 CAG 3–35 ≥48–93 polyQ, RNA? L, ExScr Koide et al.,13 Nagafuchi et al.14
1994 SCA3 AD 14q32 ATXN3 CAG 12–44 ≥55–87 polyQ, RNA (foci) L, cl Kawaguchi et al.15
1996 SCA2 AD 12q24 ATXN2 CAG 13–31 ≥32–500 polyQ, RNA? L, cl Pulst et al.16
1996 SCA7 AD 3p21 ATXN7 CAG 4–33 ≥37–460 polyQ, RNA? L, cl Lindblad et al.17
1996 SPD1 AD 2q31.1 HOXD13 GCG 15 24 polyA (DN) L, CGA Akarsu et al.18
1997 SCA6 AD 19p13 CACNA1A CAG 4–18 ≥20–33 polyQ, RNA? L, ExScr Zhuchenko et al.19
1997 BCCD AD 6p21 RUNX2 GCN 17 27 polyA (DN/LoF?) L, CGA Mundlos et al.20
1998 OPMD AD 14q11.2 PABPN1 GCG 6–10 ≥12–17 polyA (DN/LoF?) L, ExScr Brais et al.21
1999 SCA17 AD 6q27 TBP CAG (or CAG/CAA) 25–40 ≥43–66 polyQ, RNA? L, CGA Koide et al.22
2000, 2002 HFGS AD 7p15.2 HOXA13 tract 1: GCN 14 22 polyA (DN/LoF?) L, CGA Goodman et al.,23 Utsch et al.24
tract 2: GCN 12 18
tract 3: GCN 18 24–-30
2001 HDL2 AD 16q24.2 JPH3 CAG 6–28 ≥41–58 polyQ, RNA (foci) L, RED Margolis et al.25
2001 BPES AD 3q23 FOXL2 GCN 14 19–24 polyA (LoF) L, CGA De Baere et al.26
2001 HPE5 AD 13q32 ZIC2 GCN 15 25 polyA (LoF) L, CGA Brown et al.27
2002 EIEE1 XLR Xp21.3 ARX tract 1: GCN 16 23 polyA (DN) L, CGA Strømme et al.28
tract 2: GCN 12 20
2002 MRGH XLR Xq26.3 SOX3 GCN 15 26 polyA (LoF) L, CGA Laumonnier et al.29
2003 CCHS AD 4p13 PHOX2B GCN 20 25–29 polyA (DN) L, CGA Amiel et al.30

ID, identification; chr, chromosome; ref, reference(s)


BCCD, brachydactyly and cleidocranial dysplasia; BPES, blepharophimosis, ptosis and epicanthus inversus; CCHS, congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; DRPLA, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy; EIEE1, early infantile epileptic encephalopathy type 1; HD, Huntington disease; HDL2, Huntington disease-like 2; HFGS, hand-foot-genital syndrome; HPE5, holoprosencephaly type 5; MRGH, mental retardation with isolated growth hormone deficiency; OPMD, oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy; SBMA, spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy; SPD1, synpolydactyly type 1; SCA, spinocerebellar ataxia


AD, autosomal dominant; XLR, X-linked, recessive


polyA (DN), polyAlanine tract associated with dominant-negative effect; polyA (LoF), polyAlanine tract leading to a loss of function of the protein; polyQ, polyGlutamine protein toxicity; polyG, polyGlycine peptide toxicity; RNA, RNA toxicity


cl, cloning; CGA, candidate gene analysis; ExScr, expansion screening; L, linkage; RED, repeat expansion detection