Neuroanatomical defects in Aff3−/− mice
(A–F) Merged double-stained sections in Aff3−/− mice (right of dashed lines) and their matched controls (WT, wild-type, left of dashed lines) at the striatum (A) and at the hippocampus (B) levels with schematic representation of the affected areas (C and D). Histograms showing the percentage of increase or decrease of parameters in measured areas as compared to the controls for striatum (E) and hippocampus (F) sections. Red shading is proportional to the stringency of the significance threshold. Numbers indicate studied areas: 1, total brain area; 2, lateral ventricles; 3, cingulate cortex (section 1) and retrosplenial cortex (section 2); 4, corpus callosum; 5, caudate putamen (section 1) and hippocampus (section 2); 6, anterior commissure (section 1) and amygdala (section 2); 7, piriform cortex; 8, motor cortex; 9, somatosensory cortex; 10, mammillo-thalamic tract; 11, internal capsule; 12, optic tract; 13, fimbria; 14, habenular; 15, hypothalamus; 16, third ventricle. Results demonstrate an enlargement of lateral ventricles (LVs; p = 1.24E−4 on section 1, p = 4.64E−2 on section 2) and a smaller genu of the corpus callosum (gcc; decreased corpus callosum size p = 6.35E−2 indicated by the black dash and double arrow, decreased bottom width of the corpus callosum p = 3.02E−6 and decreased height of the corpus callosum p = 4.96E−2). Other phenotypes such as atrophy of the anterior commissure (aca; p = 1.02E−2) and smaller hippocampus (p = 4.02E−2) are significant if using a less stringent cutoff.