Fig. 2. Structure and energy transition characteristics of the newly developed exciplexes.
a Molecular structures of one donor and two acceptors used to form exciplexes mCP:pDPBITPO and mCP:DpPBITPO. Two conventional TPBI and BPhen acceptors were used in device fabrication for comparison. b Frontier molecular orbital (FMO) energy levels of mCP and PO acceptors. Energy gaps of the highest occupied (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO) between mCP and PO acceptors reach to 0.6 eV, corresponding to the driving force of donor-acceptor electronic coupling (ΔG). c Electronic absorption of pDPBITPO and DpPBITPO (hollow dots) and steady-state photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved phosphorescence (PH) spectra of mCP (dash lines), pDPBITPO, DpPBITPO, mCP:pDPBITPO and mCP:DpPBITPO. Phosphorescence spectra were recorded in the time range of 100-200 μs after excitation. d Jablonski energy level diagram of mCP:PO acceptors. The near-zero energy gap between the S1 and the mCP-induced T2 of the exciplex facilitates the RISC through electron and vibrational couplings. Separated T2 and T1 locations on mCP and PO acceptors restrain the T2 → T1 transition through IC. e Steady-state PL spectra of mCP:pDPBITPO and mCP:DpPBITPO films doped with DMAC-DPS and 4CzTPNBu at different ratios.