Integrated pathologic and molecular data for 126 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cases with paired cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and cell pellet genomic DNA (gDNA). Top panels: Cases are grouped according to the cfDNA results (left to right): i) alterations detected with ≥50× median sample coverage, ii) no alterations detected with ≥50× median sample coverage, iii) all cases with <50× median sample coverage, and iv) cases not sequenced because of undetectable cfDNA (0 ng). Each column represents a single CSF sample; the paired cfDNA (middle panels) and cell pellet gDNA (bottom panels) data are provided. The total number of alterations includes sequence mutations and structural variants (ie, fusions), whereas the gene panel shows only the most recurrently altered genes. The asterisk indicates cases with >20 alterations: 79 and 31 alterations (left and right, respectively). CNS, central nervous system; GBM, glioblastoma; N/A, not available; VAF, variant allele frequency.