Table 1.
Taxa identity, size ranges, and total number of images
Class | Taxonomic group | Size (µm) | Strain | Examples |
Alexandrium tamarense | Dinoflagellate | 20–80 | CCMP1771 | 201 |
Ceratium fusus | Dinoflagellate | 50–350 | Environmental | 56 |
Ceratium lineatum | Dinoflagellate | 80–230 | Environmental | 44 |
Ceratium longpipes | Dinoflagellate | 200–340 | CCMP1770 | 378 |
Ceratium sp. | Dinoflagellate | 140–230 | Environmental | 64 |
Chaetoceros socialis | Diatom | 40–360 | CCMP3263 | 102 |
Chaetoceros straight | Diatom | 30–120 | CCMP215 | 325 |
Chaetoceros sp. | Diatom | 30–430 | CCMP1690 | 114 |
Crustacean | Animal | 180–640 | Environmental | 13 |
Dictyocha speculum | Silicoflagellate | 30–105 | CCMP1381 | 185 |
Melosira octagona | Diatom | 80–460 | CCMP483 | 173 |
Noise | Artefact | – | – | 150 |
Parvicorbicula socialis | Choanoflagellate | 25–85 | Environmental | 36 |
Prorocentrum micans | Dinoflagellate | 30–120 | CCMP688 | 1074 |
Pseudo-nitchzia arctica | Diatom | 35–150 | CCMP1309 | 33 |
Rhizosoenia setigera | Diatom | 200–530 | CCMP1330 | 306 |
Rods | Morphological | 60–280 | – | 396 |
Skeletonema costatum | Diatom | 60–130 | CCMP2092 | 157 |
Tintinnid | Ciliate | 90–310 | Environmental | 20 |
Cell sizes are taken from apical cell length measurements, using 25 examples for each class