Fig. 1.
Wildtype and mutant cfDNA were accurately detected in human UM cell line conditioned medium. A. Representative 2D fluorescence amplitude plots of DNA extracted from conditioned medium (Cond. Media; cfDNA) and cells (genomic DNA). GNAQ and GNA11 mutant DNA-positive droplets are shown in blue (FAM channel), wild type DNA-positive droplets are represented in green (HEX channel), droplets positive for both wild type and mutant targets are shown in orange, and the negative droplets are shown in black. B. Copy numbers of wild type and mutant cfDNA in UM cells conditioned medium. Data are shown as number of molecules per mL of medium (mean +/− SD, n = 3 independent experiments). C. Table summarizes ctDNA (molecules/mL) isolated from condicionated medium and total DNA derived from cells and conditioned medium