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. 2021 Jun 16;40:196. doi: 10.1186/s13046-021-01984-w

Table 4.

Characteristics of patients with nevi

Code LB Sex Age (Y) Location ctDNA FA B TN FU RX RF Notes
06 F 73 Choroid 0 0 3 Flat 81 0
07 M 72 Choroid 0 0 NA Flat 53 0
08 M 80 Choroid 0 0 2 Flat 141 0
09 M 79 Choroid 0 0 1.5 1.3 170 0
10 M 83 Choroid 0 0 3 Flat 182 0 Bilateral
11 M 64 Choroid 0 0 4 Flat 48 0
12 F 70 Iris 0 0 2.4 0.6 170 0
20 M 77 Choroid 3.1 1.1 1.8 NA 11 + 4 OP, S, F, PP
23 F 57 Choroid 12.1 1.8 NA NA 5 + 4 T, OP, F, S
24 F 68 Choroid 4.3 0.7 NA 2.3 15 3 PP, F, T
25 F 35 Choroid 13.3 28 4.5 2.47 13 + 4 F, S, T, G
34 M 80 Choroid 2.3 0.6 NA NA 9 2 OP, F
35 F 60 Choroid 0 0 2 Flat 12 0
37 F 47 Choroid 1 7 7

OD: Flat.

OS: 1

82 0 Bilateral
38 F 45 Choroid 2.3 6 3.2 1.7 12 4 OP, F, PP, S
45 F 60 Choroid 4.4 1.8 NA 2.7 18 2 PP, T

+ = anti-VEGF treatment; B Basal diameter (mm); ctDNA (molecules/ml). F fluid; FA percentage of fractional abundance; FU follow-up time (months); G Growth; OP orange pigment; PP peripapillary; RF number of risk factors; Rx Treatment; S visual symptoms; T thickness > 2 mm; TN thickness (mm);