a, Metabolomics strategy to identify liver extracellular fluid (EF) metabolites regulated by BAT.
b, e, BAT (b) and liver EF (e) metabolomics: annotated metabolites (grey), metabolites significantly changed (black), metabolites downregulated in BAT and upregulated in liver EF (red) following 14 weeks on WD; WT (n = 10) and UCP1KO (n = 7 for BAT; n = 10 for liver EF).
c, d, f, Significantly downregulated metabolites in UCP1KO BAT (c) or abundance of TCA metabolites in BAT (d) or liver EF (f) following 14 weeks on WD; WT (n = 10) and UCP1KO (n = 7 for BAT; n = 10 for liver EF).
g, Metabolites downregulated in BAT and upregulated in liver EF following 14 weeks on WD (n = 10, except BAT UCP1KO n = 7).
h, Model for BAT control over succinate levels.
i-l, Abundance of (m + 4) 13C-succinate (i, k) and (m + 4) TCA cycle metabolites (j, l) in BAT (i, j) and subQ (k, l) from chow fed mice following 10 days daily injection with vehicle or CL-316,243 (1 mg/kg) and subsequent bolus i.v. 13C-succinate (100 mg/kg) for the indicated times (n = 5, except CL (veh) n = 4 and veh (2 min) n = 4 in j).
m, Abundance of succinate in BAT and SubQ adipose tissue from chow fed mice comparing 29°C to 2 weeks 4°C exposure (n = 5).
n, Abundance of succinate in BAT of chow fed WT (n = 4) and UCP1KO (n = 6) mice.
o, p % change in abundance of total BAT succinate (o) and downstream TCA cycle metabolites (p) in BAT of WT and UCP1KO chow fed mice following bolus i.v. 13C-succinate (100 mg/kg) for the indicated times (WT 0, 30 mins and UCP1KO 30 mins n = 5; WT 2 mins and UCP1KO 0, 2 mins n = 6).
*P < 0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. (two-tailed Student’s t-test for pairwise comparisons, one-way ANOVA for multiple comparisons involving independent variable, two-way ANOVA for multiple comparisons involving two independent variables). Data are mean ± s.e.m. See source data for precise p values.