Figure 3.
Changes in growth, cell cycle, and survival/sensitivty in mitochondria deficient MRPL6 yeast exposed to doxorubicin – BY4741 and the mitochondria deficient mutant mrpl6 were grown in glucose and exposed to 100 μM doxorubicin for up to 12 hours. A) Doxorubicin induced growth arrest in mrpl6 yeast is significantly greater than BY4741 (p-values are two-tailed Student’s T-test at each time point; n = 3). B) Budding pattern is significantly altered in BY4741 yeast at 12 hours of exposure to doxorubicin while mrpl6 yeast are not significantly changed from zero hour. Same color bars (bud type) with the same letter are not significantly different between yeast strain and time point groups (Tukey’s HSD p < 0.05; n = 3). C) Plating efficiency, after exposure to 100 μM doxorubicin, is not significantly lower in MRPL6 than in BY4741 yeast with Tukey’s HSD comparing between all samples