Schematic representation of the experimental protocol and the location of the postexercise and overnight periods. Participants were provided with full dietary control (1.2 g·kgBM-1·d-1 dietary protein) and postexercise and prebed protein-polyphenol (n = 9) or isocaloric maltodextrin placebo (n = 9) drinks were consumed daily. Loading of orally consumed 70% deuterated water began at ~8:00 am on day 7, with 8 x 6 ml·kg-1 doses consumed every 1.5 hours; body water enrichment was maintained thereafter with daily doses of 0.54 ml·kg-1. Unilateral eccentric knee extensor contractions were performed at ~7:00 pm on day 7 (t = 0 hours), and muscle soreness and function were measured at baseline and after 24 and 48 hours. Bilateral muscle biopsies were obtained 24, 27, and 36 hours following eccentric contractions, and venous blood samples were obtained at baseline and 27, 27, 36, and 48 hours following eccentric contractions. Abbreviations: PLA, placebo; PP, protein-polyphenol.