Figure 3.
A: Body water 2H enrichment (%) measured in blood plasma at baseline and 24 and 48 hours following 300 unilateral eccentric knee extensor contractions (time = 0 hours). B: Myofibrillar bound [2H]alanine enrichment relative to a linear scale on the x-axis to demonstrate the linear increase in enrichment with respect to time in a control (solid line) and eccentrically exercised (dashed line) leg. Postexercise and prebed protein-polyphenol (PP; n = 9; black circles) or isocaloric maltodextrin placebo (PLA; n = 9; open circles) drinks were ingested for 6 days prior to, and 3 days following, eccentric contractions. C–D: Postexercise (24 vs 27 hours) and overnight (27 vs 36 hours) enrichment of myofibrillar-bound [2H]alanine (MPE) in skeletal muscle biopsy samples in a control (white bars) and eccentrically exercised (black bars) leg. Postexercise and prebed PP (n = 9) or isocaloric maltodextrin PLA (n = 9) drinks were ingested for 6 days prior to, and 3 days following, eccentric contractions (time = 0 hours). Data are presented as means, with error bars representing standard error. Body water 2H nrichment was analyzed with a 2-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Postexercise and overnight myofibrillar-bound [2H]alanine enrichment were analyzed with separate 3-factor ANOVA. *Timepoint different to 27 hours; #damaged leg different to control leg; $the increase in MPE (27 vs 36 hours) is different between the damaged and control legs. One symbol, P < 0.05; 2 symbols, P < 0.01; 3 symbols, P < 0.001; 4 symbols, P < 0.0001.