Figure 6.
Skeletal muscle mRNA expression of 9 genes (A–I) upstream of NF-κB activity selected a priori for targeted analysis. Gene expression was measured during postexercise (24–27 hours) and overnight (27–36 hours) periods, following 300 unilateral eccentric knee extensor contractions (time = 0 hours). Postexercise and prebed protein-polyphenol (PP; n = 9; black bars) or isocaloric maltodextrin placebo (PLA; n = 9; white bars) drinks were ingested for 6 days prior to, and 3 days following, eccentric contractions. All individual expression values are expressed as a fold-change from the contralateral control leg at the same timepoint, with log2 transformation applied. Data are presented as means, with error bars representing standard error. Statistical analysis was performed with separate 2-factor analysis of variance. *Main effect of time; †difference between PLA and PP. One symbol, P < 0.05; 2 symbols, P < 0.01; 3 symbols, P < 0.001; four symbols, P < 0.0001.