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. 2021 May 6;2021(5):CD012972. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012972.pub2

1. Descriptive summary of studies.

Study Country Design Settings Unit of randomization Diagnostic strategies Participant eligibility Age group Months of follow‐up Number of clusters per arm
  Total sample
Calligaro 2015 South Africa RCT intensive care units individual smear microscopy + culture vs Xpert MTB/RIF + culture using tracheal aspirate samples evaluated for TB
  18 years old & older 26 n/a
Mupfumi 2014 Zimbabwe RCT ART initiation centre individual smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF HIV positive and on ART
  18 years old & older 3 n/a
Theron 2014a South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe RCT primary health facilities individual participant smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF on sputum samples  people evaluated for TB 18 years old & older 6 n/a
Churchyard 2015 South Africa cluster‐RCT primary health facilities health facility smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF evaluated for TB
  18 years old & older 6 10
Cox 2014 South Africa cluster‐RCT primary health facility people seen within the calendar week Xpert MTB/RIF vs routine diagnostic algorithm of smear, culture, and DST evaluated for TB
  18 years old & older 6 26 weeks (Xpert) and 25 weeks (smear microscopy)
Ngwira 2019  Malawi
   Cluster ‐RCT
  public HIV clinics
  smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF
  newly registered people with HIV
  18 years old & older
Agizew 2019a
  stepped‐wedge public HIV clinics clinic smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF  newly registered people with HIV all age groups 6 22
Durovni 2014  Brazil stepped‐wedge clinics using laboratory services laboratories  smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF  evaluated for TB
  all age groups 6 14
  11,705 smear tests; 12,522 Xpert tests performed
Schmidt 2017 South Africa before/after
  primary healthcare facilities n/a participants investigated by smear microscopy vs Xpert MTB/RIF evaluated for TB
  18 years old & older 6 n/a
  15,629 before; 10,741 after
van Kampen 2015 Indonesia before/after
  clinics offering PMDT services n/a before: sputum sample underwent smear microscopy + culture + DST
after: Xpert MTB/RIF + culture + DST
at risk of MDR‐TB
  all age groups 24 n/a
  975 before; 1442 after
Van den Handel 2015
  South Africa before/after district, sub district and primary healthcare facilities n/a smear microscopy vs decentralized Xpert MTB/RIF (we excluded centralized Xpert) evaluated for TB all age groups 6 n/a
Yoon 2012 Uganda before/after
  national referral hospital n/a smear microscopy (baseline) vs Xpert MTB/RIF (implementation) evaluated for TB
  18 years old & older 2 n/a
  287 baseline; 190 implementation

ART: antiretroviral therapy
DST: drug susceptibility testing
MDR‐TB: multi‐drug resistant TB
n/a: not applicable
PMDT: programmatic management of drug‐resistant tuberculosis
RCT: randomized controlled trial
TB: tuberculosis
vs: versus