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. 2021 Jun 16;11:12651. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91790-3

Figure 1.

Figure 1

(A) Schematic depiction of the flow chart of the experimental design. Murine A-70 vAbl pre-B cells grown with or without exposure to Electromagnetic field influence(EMF), in the absence or presence of RAG stimulation either by Mesylate of Imatinib (IMA) or by GSK-690693(GSK), are harvested and their genomic DNA subjected to a two-steps PCR recombination assay identifying Vk to Jk rearrangements at their IgL kappa loci. The electrophoretically separated recombination products (Vk-Jk) are quantified by densitometry to assess the extent of locus rearrangements influenced by EMF. (B) Shematic configuration of IgL k kappa locus on Mouse chromosome 6, and the positioning of the primers used in the assay. (C) PCR reactions electrophoretically separated in agarose gel stained with Sybr green identify the recombined products (arrows show Vk to Jk1 and Vk to Jk2) in lane 3 versus, control reactions lane 1 without genomic DNA, lane 2 templating genomic DNA from uninduced cells (in germline configuration). Such recombination amplified reactions are then used for densitometry quantifications. The entire gel from which (C) was cropped displaying amplifications (Vk to Jk response) from cells treated with a wide range of increasing IMA concentrations , is shown in Supplemental Material Fig. 3Sa.