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. 2021 Mar 15;46(8):1475–1483. doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-00963-1

Table 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the discovery and validation sample used in the study.

Discovery Validation Validation vs. discovery
ROP vs. HC ROP vs. HC ROP (val) vs. ROP (disc)
ROP (N = 108) HC (N = 195) t/X² p ROP (N = 53) t/X² p t p
  Age 24.91 (5.11) 25.32 (6.23) −0.63 0.53 25.74 (6.39) 0.42 0.68 0.82 0.41
  Sitea 39/20/28/8/13 48/39/60/35/13 11.62 0.02* 53/0/0/0/0 98.1 <0.001*** 59.26 <0.001***
  Sexa Female = 35 Female = 121 23.28 <0.001*** Female = 21 7.67 0.01* 0.53 0.47
  Years of education 14.08 (3.3) 16.02 (3.43) −4.83 <0.001*** 14.05 (3.54) −3.62 <0.001*** −0.06 0.96
  Illness duration in days 181.51 (187.46) 186.38 (203.88) −0.15 0.88
  Chlorpromazine equivalentb 388.18 (1020.61) 1208.09 (5205.17) −1.06 0.29
Premorbid intelligence
  WAIS (Vocabulary) 9.89 (3.64) 12.11 (2.85) −5.48 <0.001*** 9.22 (3.3) −5.61 <0.001*** −1.13 0.26
  WAIS (Matrices) 9.35 (2.7) 11.23 (2.25) −6.14 <0.001*** 10.35 (2.73) −2.15 0.03* 2.16 0.03*
GAF (symptoms)
  Lifetime 77.77 (10.09) 88.48 (5.63) −10.15 <0.001*** 77.22 (8.79) −8.61 <0.001*** −0.35 0.73
  Past year 59.12 (15.79) 87.43 (6.1) −17.83 <0.001*** 62.3 (14.19) −12.24 <0.001*** 1.26 0.21
  Past month 41.85 (13.52) 86.98 (6.48) −32.54 <0.001*** 39.86 (13.02) −24.81 <0.001*** −0.88 0.38
GAF (disability)
  Lifetime 77.11 (8.99) 86.84 (5.21) −10.29 <0.001*** 75.78 (9.74) −7.75 <0.001*** −0.82 0.42
  Past year 61.36 (13.66) 85.95 (5.82) −17.76 <0.001*** 61.82 (14.21) −11.76 <0.001*** 0.19 0.85
  Past month 45.39 (12.24) 85.51 (6.16) −31.78 <0.001*** 42.8 (11.77) −24.8 <0.001*** −1.27 0.21
  Positive scale 18.07 (6.43) 20.27 (4.72) −2.39 0.02*
  Negative scale 16.75 (8.11) 15.33 (6.21) 1.2 0.23
  General scale 36.05 (10.6) 34.02 (10.02) 1.15 0.25
BDI score 20.91 (11.41) 2.80 (4.73) −14.91 <0.001*** 22.44 (12.79) −10.14 <0.001*** −0.69 0.49

ROP recent onset psychosis, HC healthy control, WAIS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, GAF General Assessment of Functioning, PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, BDI Beck Depression Inventory.

aChi-squared test.

bCumulative sum of Chlorpromazine equivalents divided by number of days treated.

*p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001.