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. 2021 Mar 15;46(8):1475–1483. doi: 10.1038/s41386-021-00963-1

Table 3.

Demographical effects between impaired and spared cluster and healthy controls in discovery and validation sample.

Impaired Spared Overall Impaired vs. spared Impaired vs. HC Spared vs. HC
Mean (sd) Mean (sd) T(max)/Z p (uncorr) p (FDR) p (FDR) p (FDR) p (FDR)
  N 41 67
  Age 23.5 (4.3) 25.8 (5.4) 2.015 0.106 0.109
  Years of Education 13.5 (3.2) 14.5 (3.3) 4.612 <0.001 <0.001*** 0.135 <0.001*** 0.002**
  Sexa female = 16 female = 19 25.611 <0.001 <0.001*** 0.302 0.009** <0.001***
  Sitea,b 11/5/11/5/9 28/15/17/3/4 23.614 0.003 0.003** 0.046* 0.061 0.014*
  Ìllness duration in daysc 163.66 (153.82) 192.43 (205.69) −0.770 0.440 0.440
  Chlorpromazine equivalentd 685.65 (1596.42) 196.95 (125.38) 1.940 0.052 0.100
  N 13 40
  Age 24.2 (5.3) 26.2 (6.7) 0.899 0.630 0.673
  Years of Education 14.3 (3.7) 14.0 (3.5) 3.594 <0.001 0.001** 0.858 0.081 0.001**
  Sexa Female = 5 Female = 16 8.575 0.014 0.016* 1.000 0.140 0.017*
  Illness duration in daysc 149.00 (91.46) 198.53 (228.55) −0.761 0.447 0.535
  Chlorpromazine equivalentd 127.80 (267.83) 1578.48 (6006.66) −0.833 0.405 0.535

HC healthy control, sd standard deviation, FDR False Discovery Rate.

aNominal permutation test are used; Fisher’s exact p value is reported.

bSites: Munich/Basel/Köln/Udine/Milan.

cDifference in time between first fulfillment of psychotic diagnosis according to Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID) and date of MRI examination.

dCumulative sum of chlorpromazine equivalents divided by the number of days treated.

*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.