Supplementary Figure 1. Verification of the efficiency of 14 Ad-Bs in the MPH cells. The MPH cells were infected with Ad-B2, Ad-B3, Ad-B4, Ad-B5, Ad-B6, Ad-B7, Ad-B8, Ad-B9, Ad-B10, Ad-B11, Ad-B12, Ad-B13, Ad-B14, Ad-B15 and Ad-GFP. The green fluorescence (GFP) were observed by fluorescence microscope(x100) at 48h (A). At 48h post infection, total RNA was isolated and subjected to TqPCR analysis of expression of 14 BMPs (coding region only). Relative expression was calculated by dividing the relative expression values (i.e., gene/Gapdh) in “∗∗” p < 0.01, Ad-Bs group vs. Ad-GFP group (B). Verification of the efficiency of Ad-siB4 in the MPH cells. Ad-siB4 or Ad-RFP infected the MPH cells for 36h and observed by a fluorescence microscope(x100) (C). The total RNA was isolated and TqPCR analysis was carried out to detect the expression of Bmp4. Relative expression was calculated by dividing the relative expression values (i.e., Bmp4/Gapdh) in “∗∗” p < 0.01, Ad-siB4 vs. Ad-RFP (D). Each assay condition was done in triplicate. Representative images are shown.