Tfr2 haploinsufficiency in combination with Tmprss6-ASO significantly ameliorates anemia of β-thalassemic mice.
Tfr2BM hetero/Hbbth3/+ and tHbbth3/+ mice were treated with Tmprss6-ASO or CTRL-ASO (5mg/kg, intraperitoneally) twice a week for 6 weeks starting 9 weeks after BMT. Complete blood count was determined at the beginning, middle, and end of treatment. The combinatorial treatment showed improvement of RBC count (A), Hb levels (B), reticulocyte (Retics) percentage (C), MCV (D), and MCH (E). Dotted red line indicates mean values for untreated WT mice. Bars represent SD. Color-coded asterisks refer to statistically significant differences between each group and CTRL-ASO–treated Hbbth3/+ mice. ***P < .005; **P < .01; *P < .05.