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. 2021 May 14;3(1):vdab066. doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdab066

Table 1.

Significant Characteristics of Selected Manuscripts

Group First Author; Year Anti-PD-1 (µg/dose); Route Dosing (days after tumor innoculation) Anti-PD-1 Clone; Vendor Tumor Inoculation (# cells; volume; depth) Mice (sex; weeks old; vendor) % LTS Median Survival (Sham; anti-PD1) (days) Ctrl.
A Belcaid; 2020 200 µg/dose; I.P. 7, 9, 11 G4; PIH 50 000 GL261; NA; 3 mm F; 6–8; Harlan 0% (NA; 22.5) IgG
A Dai; 2018 200 µg/dose; I.P. 2, 4, 6b RMP1-14; BioXCell 50 000 GL261; 5 µL; 1.5 mm M; 6–8; CMCYU 0% NA Saline
A Galstyan; 2019 200 µga/dose; I.V. 8, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27 J43; BioXCell 20 000 GL261; 2 µL; NA F; 8; JL 0% NA PBS
A Kim; 2019 200 µg/dose; I.P. 8, 13, 16, 29, 23, 26 RMP1-14; BioXCell 200 000 GL261; 3 µL; 3.5 mm F; 6; CRL 0% (19; 21) Untreated
B Hardcastle; 2017 200 µg/dose; I.P. 6, 8, 14 RMP1-14; BioLegend 300 000 GL261; NA; NA NA; NA; CRL 0% NA Untreated
B Lamano; 2019 250 µg/dose; I.P. 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 RMP1-14; BioXCell 300 000 Gl261; 2 µL; 3 mm NA; 7–8; JL 0% (19; 30.5) IgG
B Shevtsov; 2019 250 µg/dose; I.P. 6, 9, 12, 15 RMP1-30; eBioscience 100 000 GL261; 2 µL; 3 mm M; 8–10; RAMS 0% NA PBS/IgG
B Zeng; 2013 200 µga/dose; I.P. 10, 12, 14 G4; PIH 130 000 Gl261-Luc; 1 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; JL 0% (26; 30) IgG
C Dejaegher; 2017 200 µg/dose; I.P. 5, 10, 15 RMP1-14c; PIH 500 000 GL261; 10 µL; 3m m F; 8–10; Envigo 55% (24.5; NA) IgG
C Hung; 2018 200 µg/dose; I.P. 10, 12, 14 4 H2; Bristol-Myers Squibb 130 000 GL261-Luc; 1 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; JL 14.3% (25; 34) Untreated
C Jahan; 2019 200 µg/dose; I.P. 3, 6, 9 RMP1-14; BioXCell 75 000 GL261; 3 µL; 2.5 mm F; 6–7; NCI 20% NA IgG
C Karachi; 2019 200 µga/dose; I.P. 7, 12, 17, 22b RMP1-14; BioXCell NA; NA; 4 mm NA; NA; JL 50% NA Untreated
C Kim; 2017 200 µg/dose; NA 10, 12, 14 G4; PIH 130 000 GL261-Luc; 1 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; JHUAF 27.8% (22; 33) Unspec.
C Mathios; 2016 200 µg/dose; I.P. 10, 12, 14 G4; PIH 130 000 GL261-Luc; 1 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; JL 20% (16; 25.5) PBS
C Speranza; 2018 200 µg/dose; I.P. 10, 13, 16, 19 29F.1A12; PIH 100 000 GL261-Luc; 5 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; Envigo 50% NA Unspec.
C Wu; 2019 200 µg/dose; I.P. 10, 12, 14 NA; Bristol-Myers Squibb 130 000 GL261-Luc; 1 µL; 3 mm F; 6–8; JL 30% (24; 30) Untreated

I.P., intraperitoneal; I.V., intravenous; NA, not applicable/data not provided in manuscript; PIH, antibodies that are “Produced In House” from a cultured hybridoma; CMCYU, Comparative Medical Center of Yangzhou University; JL, The Jackson Laboratory; CRL, Charles River Laboratories; RAMS, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; JHUAF, Johns Hopkins University Animal Facility; LTS, long-term survivors; Ctrl., nature of control group; Unspec., the control group of unspecified nature.

Experimental parameters of the selected studies are listed. For ease of comparison, each publication has been assigned to a group based on the survival benefit the authors declared anti-PD-1 CBI monotherapy to provide for GL261 glioma-bearing animals. The groups are as follows: (A) No increase in survival as a result of therapeutic intervention, (B) some increase in survival but no long-term survivors, and (C) a survival benefit and some number of long-term survivors following therapy. Within groups, manuscripts are arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author.

aDemarcates doses of anti-PD-1 that were written as 10 mg/kg in the study in question. For ease of comparison with studies that administered a consistent amount (µg) of anti-PD-1 regardless of mouse weight, these scaled doses have been standardized assuming a weight of 20 g, which would not be unusual for a young female C57BL/6 mouse.

bDemarcates a dosing timecourse where significant ambiguity existed in the original manuscript and we were forced to draw an inference regarding the methods.

cThis manuscript listed the clone used as “RPMI-14,” but, as no corroborating evidence as to the existence of this clone could be found, we have made the assumption that the authors intended to write “RMP1-14” which is a commonly used clone of anti-PD-1 antibody.